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SCAM ALERT: Terrell Marshall Law Group is not investigating any potential cases over mishandled jury summons. We are also not affiliated with the King County Sheriff’s Office or Apex Law Group. You should ignore any calls or emails in that regard, especially if you are asked to place funds into a “receivers account” to avoid a warrant for your arrest. This is a scam.

Public Justice Files “Right 2 Hug” Lawsuits

March 29, 2024

Public Justice’s Debtors’ Prison Project recently filed two lawsuits aimed to reinstate in-person visits and allow families to see each other. In the last several years, Genesee and St. Clair counties in Michigan have banned in-person visits for family members of inmates, forcing families to use video and phone technology that is often glitchy but also expensive. The lawsuits are seeking to restore in-person visits to the jails and damages for families impacted by the policies.

Terrell Marshall was proud to partner with the Debtors’ Prison Project on Champagne v. Linebarger, Linebarger Groggan Blair & Sampson, LLP. Terrell Marshall strongly supports the Debtors’ Prison Project’s fight against the criminalization of poverty, including with our cases challenging illegal court fees.

Toby Marshall serves on the Debtors’ Prison Project board. Beth Terrell and Blythe Chandler are members of the Public Justice Board of Directors.