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SCAM ALERT: Terrell Marshall Law Group is not investigating any potential cases over mishandled jury summons. We are also not affiliated with the King County Sheriff’s Office or Apex Law Group. You should ignore any calls or emails in that regard, especially if you are asked to place funds into a “receivers account” to avoid a warrant for your arrest. This is a scam.

Samson v. United Healthcare Received Class Certification

February 10, 2024


Two classes were recently certified in a Telephone Consumer Protection Act class action against United Healthcare. The complaint, filed in January 2019, alleges that United Healthcare called non-customers without their prior consent and did not properly remove people from call lists when they opted out. Plaintiff Frantz Samson stated that he was not a customer of United Healthcare and did not consent to receive calls, and that numerous efforts to be removed from the call list were ignored. United Healthcare sought permission to appeal the district court’s certification decision, but the Ninth Circuit denied United’s request.

The certified classes in this case will include a “Wrong Number” class, which will consist of individuals who received automated phone calls from United Healthcare and were not members, and a “Do-Not-Call” class, which will consist of individuals who were marked as “do not call” in United Healthcare’s records but still received automated calls.

Terrell Marshall Law Group is proud to work alongside co-council at Francis Mailman Soumilas PC and at Shub & Johns LLC, in this case. The team at TMLG has been led by Jennifer Rust Murray, and includes attorneys Amanda Steiner, Beth Terrell, Adrienne McEntee, Blythe Chandler and Jasmin Rezaie, and staff members Jodi Nuss, Krystal Brown, Deylen Sueoka and Adela Machackova.